Cashmere Scarf
When cared for correctly, the luxurious feel of cashmere improves with time and high quality cashmere should last for years and years. Hand washing is usually the best way to care for your cashmere and dry cleaning is only recommended for 'airy' garments such as cardigans and camisoles, or woven products like Pashminas. Always check the label on the garment and, if it's dry clean only, ensure that the dry cleaner has experience with cashmere.
When hand-washing your cashmere it's best to use cool to lukewarm water and a mild detergent suitable for delicates (or preferably one suitable specifically for cashmere). Fabric softeners should be avoided with cashmere because over time they cause the fibres to stiffen.
Once washed and rinsed remove the garment from the water and squeeze very gently. Do not rub or twist. Give the garment a short spin in the washing machine or roll it up in a towel to absorb excess water. Make sure you re-shape the garment whilst it's damp and dry it flat, away from heat and sunlight. Never put cashmere in the tumble dryer.
Pilling (tiny balls of fibre) is natural in new cashmere but after a few washes these should stop forming. The best way to remove pills is to use a de-fuzz comb - if you pop the garment in the freezer before pilling you'll find pills easier to remove. It's usually best to de-pill your garment before washing it.
Never hang your cashmere on a hanger, as it will cause it to loose its shape. It's usually best to fold the garment and store it in a drawer or, better still, in a cashmere sweater bag which will keep it protected and away from moths.
About the Author
Cashmere wash £7.95, Cashmere comb £3.50, and Cashmere sweater bag £4.95, all available from Cashmere company Pure Collection.
Cashmere Scarf